Dispatch Model Management


The Dispatch Model Management option is used to define the basic dispatch settings of every new dispatch without having to repeat the process every time. Users can configure as many models as there are situations requiring a dispatch.

Models are also used to dispatch jobs through maestro*MOBILE. Some of the parameters defined in the option determine what is available within the mobile application.

A project may require more than a dispatch, hence the need to have several models. For instance, users may need to define a dispatch per department, per dispatcher, per work schedule, etc.

Furthermore, using a dispatch model is required to use a dispatch grid.



These prerequisites are essential in ensuring the proper interaction between maestro* and maestro*MOBILE.





Use to

Apply Default Values

Apply the basic parameters defined in maestro* if changes have been made to a model’s default parameters.

Only icons specific to this window are described below.





Create a Dispatch Model


maestro* > Projects > Project Costing > Dispatch > Dispatch Model Management


  1. In the Dispatch Model Management window, click the New icon.
  2. Enter the required information in the top portion of the screen:




Identify the model using a unique alphanumerical combination.


Describe the model’s composition.

  1. Click the Save this Model icon.

Dispatch Grid Tab

  1. Under the Dispatch Grid tab, complete the various sections as needed.

To simplify the description of the Dispatch Grid tab, it has been divided in two sections:

  • Section 1 is used to define and manage the dispatch grid’s default display settings.
  • Section 2 restricts accessibility depending on an employee’s status, defines time slots, defines the temporary contract for calls created from Mobile, etc.
  1. Section 1:



Start Time

End Time

Define the default applicable time range of the grid used for dispatch.

NOTE: Maestro* will not display the time periods before the start and after the end times.

The default range is from 06:00 to 18:00; click the Apply Default Values icon to reset it in the grid.

Bi-directional validation for Outlook assignments

Check the box to ensure maestro* validates any change that was made in Outlook.

NOTE: Outlook and the Dispatch option share information so that maestro* displays any modification made by users to their Outlook calendar.

If the box is not checked, maestro* transmits the information to Outlook but does not validate the changes made by users.

Timeline view – Time scales Section

Month, Week, Day, Hours, Halves of an hour, Quarters of an hour

Select the available time increments that will appear in the Detail drop-down list located at the bottom of the Project Dispatch window.

NOTE: The dispatcher can opt to view dispatches per week, hour, 30 minutes at a time, etc.

Custom scales

If needed, define customized time increments different from the maestro* defaults (Month, Week, Day, Hours, Half Hours, Quarter Hours).

NOTE: Time increments are time segments used to indicate how a work period is divided. For instance, a day can be divided into 3-hour segments instead of one hour or 30 minutes.




Enter the time increment’s name, such as 3h or 3 hours.

Starts at

Indicate the time when the work day will start being divided by that increment.

Example: The day starts been divided into slices of 3 hours as of 05:00a.m.


Indicate how long the time increment needs to be displayed in the dispatch grid.


Check this box to ensure the time increment is available from the Detail drop-down list.

NOTE: This feature can make some time increments available only occasionally.

Include Weekend

Check this box to display weekends on the dispatch grid.

NOTE: This option can still be adjusted manually once in the grid.

Consider Schedule Work

Check this box to display the work schedule in the dispatch grid.

NOTE: This option can still be adjusted manually once in the grid.

Employees Dispatch

Check the dispatchable items that will be displayed on the left side of the grid when the selected dispatch is Employees.

NOTE: These items include Service Calls, Work Orders, Estimating, and Projects.

Equipment Dispatch

Select the items that will be displayed on the left side of the grid when the selected dispatch is Equipment.

NOTE: Dispatchable items include Work Orders, and Projects.

Project Dispatch

Check the resources that will be displayed on the left side of the grid when the selected dispatch is Project.

NOTE: Dispatchable resources include Employee, Equipment, Trade, Equipment Type, Contacts, and Teams.

  1. Section 2:



Service Sub-Tab

Calls Created from Mobile – Temporary Contract

Used to define a temporary contract for calls received and created by technicians in maestro*MOBILE, for instance, when offices are closed.

Number of visible days on mobile devices

Indicate the number of days visible ahead of time in maestro*MOBILE.

NOTE: For example, it may be decided to only display the current week’s dispatches.

Restrict employees according to these statuses

Limit which employees available for dispatch are displayed in the grid's Employees pane. These statuses are:

  • Active;
  • Inactive - Permanent Layoff
  • Inactive - Temporary Layoff
  • Availabilities
  • Skills and Certificates

Enter equipment time separately from employees in maestro*MOBILE for grouped dispatches

This checkbox allows to indicate whether the equipment time must be entered independently from the employee's time in the maestro*MOBILE app.

Project Sub-Tab

Automatic assignment of resources on projects

Determine the default time slot for lunch and work time range for the projects’ employees and equipment subjected to this dispatch model.

NOTE: Indicate a default Start Time and End Time for each resources.

Restrict Employees According to These Statuses

Limit which employees available for dispatch are displayed in the grid's Employees pane. These statuses are:

  • Active;
  • Inactive - Permanent Layoff
  • Inactive - Temporary Layoff

Predefined Break

Specify predefined breaks for project employees; if the breaks are linked to an activity, they will automatically be deducted from the worked time and not paid. The activity must, however, be indicated in the dispatch model to ensure that the break time is not included with the worked hours.

NOTES: Maestro* allows the creation of three breaks that will be presented to users as default selections. For each break, enter a Start Time and an End Time.

In maestro*MOBILE, these predefined breaks are displayed along with the meal breaks. These short breaks appear on the Interruptions option’s page. When an activity is linked to the predefined break, the break must be validated by maestro*MOBILE users before they close the day.

If breaks are defined through the Dispatch Project Management option, they take precedence over the breaks from the dispatch model.

Allow employees to enter their meal and break times in *MOBILE

If this box is checked, employees will be able to enter their breaks and meal themselves in maestro*MOBILE.

NOTE: For more information, consult the How To Managing Breaks and Meals in maestro*MOBILE to understand how the input of breaks and meals works. The maestro*MOBILE Online Help details the procedure to follow as well.

Activity for taken breaks

In this field is indicated the activity which allows the accounting of breaks taken by employees. This field can contain up to 20 characters.

Activate untaken meal and break times management

If this box is checked, the foreman (or project manager, or site manager) will have to confirm, upon the closing of the day, if the breaks and meals have been taken or not for each employee.

Indicate the activity which allows the accounting of not taken breaks and meals. This field can contain up to 20 characters.

Also indicates the rate type applicable to breaks and meals: simple, half, or double.

NOTE: For more information, consult the How To Managing Breaks and Meals in maestro*MOBILE to understand how the input of breaks and meals works. The maestro*MOBILE Online Help details the procedure to follow as well.

Number of visible days on mobile devices

Indicate the number of days visible ahead of time in maestro*MOBILE.

NOTE: For example, users may decide to only display the current week’s dispatches.

Descriptions and Tooltips Tab

  1. Under the Descriptions et infobulles tab, complete the tooltips according to the dispatch mode used (Service Call, Work Order, Quotation, Project, Employee, Equipment).
  1. Click the appropriate tab and complete the fields below:



Dispatch Description

Enter a title for the tooltip displayed when the mouse’s cursor is positioned on a dispatch.


Define the content of the tooltip that is displayed when the mouse’s cursor is positioned on a dispatch.

NOTE: Click the Note icon (represented as []) located to the right of the text box to open the window where variables can be selected.

  1. Click the Save this Model icon.

Communications Tab

  1. Under the Communications tab, complete the different sections as required:

The Communications tab is used to configure the content of the messages sent to the employees.


Click the Show values in French button to display the texts in French even if maestro* is displayed in English.

The same button becomes Show values in English when the texts are displayed in English. Click the button again to display the message in English.




Mailing Configurations for Employees’ Schedules Section

Combine the dispatches in the same mailing

Check the box to combine all dispatches into one email or text message instead of several separate messages.


Enter the title of the email or text message that combines all dispatches.

NOTE: This title will appear in the email’s or text message’s Subject line.

  1. Complete the content sections of the Service Call, Work Order, Quotation, and Project sub-tabs:

The Service Call and Work Order sub-tabs are further divided into two mailing types: Mailing of Schedules and Mailing of Appointment Confirmations. As for the Project sub-tab, it is divided into five mailing types: Mailing of Schedules, Notification messages for ‘Stay Home’, Cancellation of dispatches, Absence on the site, and Presence on the site.

Each of these sub-tabs includes practically the same fields and text zones.


Mailing Types


Mailing of Schedules

Used to send work schedules to employees (or contacts) according to the assigned dispatches.

Mailing of Appointment Confirmations

Used to send a confirmation to customers notifying them that the technician is on the way when they press On my Way in maestro*MOBILE. The email or text message also displays the expected time of arrival.

Notification messages for Stay Home

Used to send an email or text message to an employee notifying them of the absence of assignments for the day.

Cancellation of dispatches

Used to send an email or text message to an employee notifying them of the cancellation of scheduled work on a project for a specific day; also indicates the reason behind the cancellation.

Absence on the Site

Used to notify a project manager that no employees are present on the site X minutes after the scheduled start time, based on the information entered in maestro*MOBILE.

Presence on the Site

Used to notify the project manager that one or several employee(s) are still present on the site, X minutes after the scheduled end time, based on the information entered in maestro*MOBILE.





Select the recipient of the communication, either Employees or Contacts.

NOTE: This setting is only displayed for the Mailing of Schedules messages of the Project sub-tab.

Do not send the schedule to employees assigned to the same project as the day before

If activated, this option makes it possible to only send work schedules to employees dispatched on a different project than the previous day's dispatch.

Notify the project manager that there is no/are still presence(s) on the site X minutes after the start/end time

NOTE: This setting is only displayed for the Absence on the Site and Presence on the Site messages of the Project sub-tab.


Allows to indicate when the appointment confirmation message has to be sent:

  • Never;
  • When the employee accepts the assignment;
  • When the employee is on its way.


Enter the title of the email or text message that will be sent to the employees.

Email message

Define the details and text of the email sent to the employees.

Text message

Enter the details and text of the text message sent to the employees.

Configurations for Outlook calendar section

Outlook Subject

Enter the subject of the calender entry as it should appear in the selected employee’s Outlook calendar.

Outlook Body

Specify the details and text of the calendar entry as it should appear in the selected employee’s Outlook calendar.

Group the dispatches sent by foreman/project manager

Check this box to send all resource messages at the same time.

Mobile Tab

  1. Complete the various sub-tabs of the Mobile tab.
    1. ClosedGeneral sub-tab:


    Used to

    Documents section

    Category for Photos

    Indicate a document category to receive and classify pictures transmitted through maestro*MOBILE.

    Category for Signatures

    Indicate a document category to save and classify electronic signatures transmitted through maestro*MOBILE that be used again when sending forms.

    Category for other documents

    Indicate a document category for all other document types.

    Increments for Time Entry

    Select the time increment used to enter time in maestro*MOBILE.

    NOTE: Default time increment is 5 minutes.

    Document Categories section

    Allow selection of a document's category

    When this box is checked, the user has access to the document category table and can associate documents to different categories through maestro*MOBILE.

    NOTE: If the option is not enabled, the system will instead take into account the configuration of the General sub-tab (of the Mobile tab).

    Category Table

    Individually pick which categories will be available in maestro*MOBILE, or check the All box.

    1. ClosedService sub-tab:


    Used to

    Procurement sub-tab

    Additional Inventory Location

    Select the location of a second inventory accessible to the technician, in addition to the main location (which is usually the technician’s truck).

    NOTE: To define locations, follow this menu path: (maestro*> Purchasing > Maintenance > Purchasing Define Sites. If no inventory locations are defined for a service call, the user accesses catalogue items.

    Force the use of the catalogue

    When checked, this box forces maestro*MOBILE users to look for material in the maestro* catalogue.

    Selection of items

    Identify the items that will be available from the interface in maestro*MOBILE. Users may choose from one of the four selection modes below:

    • All;
    • Upon Catalog Configuration;
    • By Type;
    • By Category.

    NOTES: The By Type and By Category selection modes display a grid where users can identify which types or categories should be available in maestro*MOBILE. Multiple selections are possible, as well as checking the All box to have access to all types or categories.

    The Upon Catalogue Configuration selection mode refers to items for which the Available in *MOBILE is checked. This setting appears in the Catalogue Management option, accessible through the following menu path: maestro* > Purchasing > Maintenance > Catalogue > Catalogue Management.

    Requisition type to create for work orders

    This parameter allows the selection of the requisition type to be created: Project-Reservation or Work Order. By default, the Project-Reservation value is selected.

    A Project-Reservation type requisition will ultimately make it so that ordered items linked to the requisition will be charged directly to the project (meaning they were specifically ordered for the project). We will, therefore, find the PAG (project-activity-group) on each line of the requisition.

    A Work Order type requisition will make it so orders generated from this requisition will be for the inventory, meaning the PAG will not appear in the requisition lines. The material ordered will be received in the inventory but with a reservation number corresponding to the work order.

    Allow entry of group on work orders

    When checked, this box enables entering the group in work orders managed from maestro*MOBILE’s Service interface.

    NOTE: This box’s default is unchecked, and only appears in maestro* version 3.05.

    Service Quotation sub-tab

    List of Available Service Quotation Categories

    Define the available service occupation(s) in the service quotations created in maestro*MOBILE. It is therefore possible to select the appropriate service occupation in the dispatch model to add labour items in a service quotation.

    List of Available Contract Types

    Indicate the contract types available to create new service quotations in maestro*MOBILE. Choices are:

    • Total Coverage (C)
    • Fixed (F)
    • Maintenance (M)
    • Residential (R)
    • Service (S)

    NOTE: The All box is checked by default.

    Other sub-tab

    Allow for overtime entry

    When checked, this box makes the overtime option available in maestro*MOBILE’s Service interface.

    Allow for double time entry

    When checked, this box makes the double time option available in maestro*MOBILE’s Service interface.

    Available Contract Types for Calls

    Indicate the contract types available to create new service calls in maestro*MOBILE. Choices are:

    • Total Coverage (C)
    • Fixed (F)
    • Maintenance (M)
    • Residential (R)
    • Service (S)

    NOTE: The All box is checked by default.

    Call Type

    Identify the default call type when the technician creates a call in maestro*MOBILE. The user can still change the type of the call. Available values:

    • Installation
    • Maintenance
    • Service

    Mandatory sections to be filled before completing

    Allows you to ensure that the sections for which the box is checked (Visit details, Labour, Materials and Billing, and Documents) must be completed to finish the call. If the mandatory sections are not completed, the Complete button will be displayed in yellow and a warning message will be appear if an attempt is made to complete the call.

    Allow entry of group on work orders

    When checked, this box allows the group to be entered in work orders managed from the maestro*MOBILE Service interface.

    NOT E: This box is not checked by default.

    Validate that at least one maintenance task has been completed before allowing the technician to close an assignment

    If this parameter is checked, the technician must complete at least one maintenance task before completing his assignment; a message will be displayed to inform the technician.

    NOTE: This parameter is not activated by default.

    1. ClosedProject sub-tab:


    Used to

    Do not allow to enter activity

    When checked, this box ensures that Activity field is not displayed when entering time or a bonus in maestro*MOBILE’s Project interface. If the field is displayed, entering a value is required.

    Force the use of the catalogue

    When checked, this box forces maestro*MOBILE users to search for material in the maestro* catalogue.

    Selection of items

    Identify the items that will be available from the interface in maestro*MOBILE. Users may choose from one of the four selection modes below:

    • All;
    • Upon Catalog Configuration;
    • By type;
    • By category.

    NOTES: The By Type and By Category selection modes display a grid where users can identify which types or categories should be available in maestro*MOBILE. Multiple selections are possible, as well as checking the All box to have access to all types or categories.

    The Upon Catalogue Configuration selection mode refers to catalogue items for which the Available in *MOBILE box is checked. This setting appears in the Catalogue Management option, accessible through the following menu path: maestro* > Purchasing > Maintenance > Catalogue > Catalogue Management.

    Allow for overtime entry

    When checked, this box makes the overtime option available in maestro*MOBILE’s Service interface.

    Allow for double time entry

    When checked, this box makes the double time option available in maestro*MOBILE’s Service interface.

    Allow employees to enter time for on site equipment

    When checked, this box enables displaying the equipment present on site in maestro*MOBILE, as well as adding usage time by employees for said equipment.

    Require the person in charge to indicate that employees have left the worksite before closing the day

    When checked, the person in charge cannot close the day without indicating that all other staff members have left the site. The Close button will be unavailable (in grey) until the person in charge presses the Quit icon.

    Inform the user that time has already been entered for an employee for the same date range

    When checked, this option allows the pop-up of a warning message when a time-entry is made for a same employee, either in the same daily entry or in the daily entry of another project.

    1. ClosedField Service sub-tab:


    Used to

    Force the use of the catalogue

    When checked, this box forces maestro*MOBILE users to search for material in the maestro* catalogue.

    Selection of items

    Identify the items that will be available from the interface in maestro*MOBILE. Users may choose from one of the four selection modes below:

    • All;
    • Upon Catalog Configuration;
    • By type;
    • By category.

    NOTES: The By Type and By Category selection modes display a grid where users can identify which types or categories should be available in maestro*MOBILE. Multiple selections are possible, as well as checking the All box to have access to all types or categories.

    The Upon Catalogue Configuration selection mode refers to catalogue items for which the Available in *MOBILE box is checked. This setting appears in the Catalogue Management option, accessible through the following menu path: maestro* > Purchasing > Maintenance > Catalogue > Catalogue Management.

    Allow for overtime entry

    When checked, this box makes the overtime option available in maestro*MOBILE’s Service interface.

    Allow for double time entry

    When checked, this box makes the double time option available in maestro*MOBILE’s Service interface.

Other Tab

  1. Under the Other tab, complete the various sections based on the company needs:
  1. Complete the Text Message Provider section:



Text Message Provider

Select the provider of the text message services, namely Twilio.

NOTE: Create an account with the selected provider. For detailed instructions, refer to the document Text Messaging Configuration for Dispatch.

NOTE: Users are responsible for creating and managing their account.

User ID

Enter the user ID supplied by the service provider.


Enter the password supplied by the service provider.


Enter the interface key supplied by the service provider.

Cell phone number

Enter the cellular number supplied by the service provider.

Allow Large Text Message

Do not use.

NOTE: It was once possible to activate this option and send messages that were longer than 160 characters; the supplier was then Nexmo.

  1. Complete the Dispatcher section:



Email address

Enter the email address of the dispatcher associated to the current dispatch model.

Send Test Emails

Send a test email from the specified account to the current user’s/contacts’ email address.

Use the SMTP Configuration

Check the box to send emails using the SMTP configuration.

NOTE: To send the email from the dispatcher’s mailbox, this feature must be configured in the Configuration of the SMTP email account field, in the General Settings under the Miscellaneous option. The destination email works in the same way as the non-SMTP email.

Forward Text Messages (SMS) to

Enter the cell phone number of the people who will receive a copy of the text message.

Send Communication Dispatches to (CC) as well

Enter the email addresses of the people who will receive a copy of the dispatch emails.

  1. Complete the Travel Time section:



Manage travel time

Check the box to activate the travel time management feature.

Default Travel Time

Enter a default travel time that will apply to all travel unless it is modified.

NOTES: Travel time must be entered using a decimal number, e.g. for 30 minutes, enter .5.

If a travel time is defined in the contract, the contract’s travel time takes precedence over the model’s.

Service Call

Available values:


Select the activity linked to travel time within the activities of the Service Management module.


Select an expense group linked to travel time and service calls. This group is defined in the Define Cost Groups option of the Projects module.

Work Order

Available values:


Select the activity linked to travel time within the project’s activities. This field can contain up to 20 characters.


Select an expense group linked to travel time and work orders. This group is defined in the Define Cost Groups option of the Projects module.

  1. Complete the Return from a Service Call section:



Default User for Return from Call

Indicate which user will receive the return from service calls.


  1. Complete the Automatic change of status after dispatch section (applies to service calls and work orders):




Select the status to which the service call or work order should be associated after it is assigned.


Indicate the status to which the service call or work order should be associated after it is deleted.


Select the status to which the service call or work order should be associated after it is closed.


Indicate the status to which the service call or work order should be associated after it has been distributed.

  1. Complete the Copy of Dispatch Notes section:



Copy Employee Notes

Allows to indicate whether the employee notes in the dispatch should be copied when a dispatch is copied.

Copy Equipment Notes

Allows to indicate whether the equipment notes in the dispatch should be copied when a dispatch is copied.

  1. Click the Save this Model icon.
  2. Click the Quit icon.


see also


Last modification: February 18, 2025